
Sunlight GmbH
Ölmühlestraße 6
88299 Leutkirch

Telephone: +49(0)7561 9097-200
Telefax: +49(0)7561 9097-400
Customer service:
Telephone: +49(0)7562 987-0
Stephan Brutscher, Christian Geiger, Daniel Rogalski
Commercial register: HRB 720 559
District Court of Ulm
VAT-ID: DE 252 227 719


Content of the Online Offer
Sunlight assumes no liability whatsoever for the currency, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against Sunlight relating to damages of a material or immaterial nature caused by the utilisation or non-utilisation of the information provided or by the use of inaccurate or incomplete information are categorically excluded, insofar as no intentional or grossly negligent fault on the part of Sunlight can be proven. All offers are non-binding and without obligation. Sunlight expressly reserves the right to amend, supplement, delete or temporarily or permanently cease publication of part of the website or the entire offer without separate notification.

References and Links
Sunlight will only be held liable for direct or indirect references to third-party Internet pages (“links”) outside of Sunlight’s area of responsibility where the author was aware of the content, could reasonably have been expected to prevent the usage of unlawful content and was able to do so by recourse to technological means.

Sunlight hereby declares expressly that no illegal content could be found on the sites which were subsequently linked to at the time the links were being established. Sunlight has absolutely no influence on the current or future design, content or authorship of the sites that have been linked to or referenced. Consequently, Sunlight expressly distances itself from all contents on sites that have been linked to or referenced where these contents have been altered since the links were established. This provision applies to all links and references established within this Internet offer and to entries made by third parties in the guest book, discussion forums and mailing lists established by the author. Only the provider of the page to which reference has been made shall be liable for illegal, inaccurate or incomplete content and, in particular, for damages arising from the utilisation or non-utilisation of such information, not the party who has merely referenced the respective publication via links.

Copyright and Trademark Law
Sunlight endeavours to observe the copyright of all of the graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts used in all of its publications, to use graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts created by itself or to rely on license-free graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts.

All brands and trademarks which are mentioned within the Internet offer and which are possibly protected by third parties are subject to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners without limitation. The mere mentioning of brands and trademarks does not allow one to conclude that trademarks are not protected by third-party rights.

The copyright for any objects created and/or published by Sunlight itself is held exclusively by Sunlight. Any reproduction or use of such graphics, audio clips, video sequences or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without Sunlight’s express consent.

Legal Validity of this Exclusion of Liability
This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the Internet offer within which reference to this page is made. Where sections or individual points contained within this statement are not, are no longer or are not entirely statutorily valid, the content or validity of the other parts of this document remain unaffected by this.